Saturday 9 November 2019

BRILLIANT Radio 1 Breakfast Show Revision

Listen to Radio 4's Saturday Live from 9th November 2019

Key takeaways:
Radio 4 chat show, Saturday Live, hosts Greg James, 33, talking about the Radio 1 Breakfast Show.
* Chat about Greg James's Instagram account - link to social media and celebrities - Greg James quite public about his life, such as texts from his mum.
* Chat about how guests listen to Audible, catch up on emails and social media in the bath
* Greg is described as 'radio royalty'. He outlines his rise to fame through being a radio fan, from the age of 9, asking questions about whether radio was a real job, helping on a hospital radio station, learning the basics of talking and introducing songs. His first step was recording things off the radio in his bedroom, re-using the jingles and making his own pretend show.
* R1 Breakfast Show is described as a 'flagship show'. Greg describes it as a 'badge of honour' to do the show.
* A great part of the show is freedom to do 'whatever you want', for example 'pass the pasty' in the second week of the show. A caller from Aberdeenshire called Sarah had never had a Cornish pasty; so the show transported a pasty to her only using listeners, making this a 'crowd-sourced pasty' like the Olympic torch. The main pasty travelled in a sealed box on a pillow (although there were spares in a refrigerated vehicle). The pasty went on the Flying Scotsman! It was eventually paraded down Sarah's road with bagpipers.
* 'The listeners feel like part of a club.' But Greg has also spoken about his own mental health and anxiety. In contrast to commercial competitors, presenters can talk for longer and reflect on every aspect of life. This came about from a Sport Relief challenge where Greg climbed the three peaks and cycled between them to raise money for a mental health charity. When all the DJs talked about it, the listeners opened up to them, which opened up a dialogue between the listeners and the presenters. Greg re-realised why he loves radio so much because of what it can do to someone's day.
* Comparison made with sports stars and problems with mental illness - very powerful for ordinary people to know that sports stars and celebs suffer from the same problems.
* Greg James has added 25,000 listeners to the show (he jests about checking the number tatooed on his wrist).
* Regrets - mentions time in mid-20s when he went a 'bit mad' enjoying success.
* Where next? Always wanted to do a Radio 4 show as the first thing he ever listened to was Test Match Special, and Round the Horn always on in the car. New show 'Rewinder' starting next week re-tells the big themes of the week, going back into the 'newly digitised BBC archive'. Next week is Road Safety week and will look at the first time this was mentioned on the BBC.

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