Sunday 3 September 2017

Week 1: Introduction to the Media

How much do you know about 'the media'. As a digital native, probably more than you think! See this brief history of the media to gain a broad understanding of how you got to being the media-savvy student you are today:

Media evolution from Sara Afonso

So how do YOU fit in to all this? Compile a list of how you interact with the media on a day-to-day basis.

Theorists of the week:
Power and Media Industries – Curran and Seaton 

A political economy approach to the media – arguing that patterns of ownership and control are the most significant factors in how the media operate.

Media industries follow the normal capitalist pattern of increasing concentration of ownership in fewer and fewer hands. This leads to a narrowing of the range of opinions represented and a pursuit of profit at the expense of quality or creativity.

The internet does not represent a rupture with the past in that it does not offer a level playing field for diverse voices to be heard. It is constrained by nationalism and state censorship. News is still controlled by powerful news organisations, who have successfully defended their oligarchy.

Read their book 'Power Without Responsibility: The Press and Broadcasting in Britain' (1997)

Key quotation: "The press and broadcasting exercise a massive power, but it is more than ever a power without responsibility."

See this TED Talk on Media power and responsibility.

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