Wednesday 28 November 2018

Blogger of the Week

Congrats this week to Lily and Emily, who have made a SUPERB revision video where they interview the original founder of the Old Spice Brand!!

Sunday 25 November 2018

The Jungle Book / Disney Facts & Figures

Newspapers - video on shortcomings of IPSO

Judith Butler's Theory of Gender Performativity

Newspapers - audience facts and figures

A fascinating website for readership facts and figures with newspapers is

Jungle Book

The live action remake of The Lion King is excellent context/industry/audience for The Jungle Book set text. The film is due next year.

as is Dumbo, also due next year.

Radio 1 Live Lounge

Interesting facts and stats about BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge, plus some good videos:

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Blogger of the Week

This week, Jemima wins AGAIN for consistent weekly blogging about her video plans. Well done!

Monday 12 November 2018

Blogger of the Week

Well done to Ambar for the second week running, for her informative post on the way she is going to achieve the special effects in her music video. Blog on!