Tuesday 20 June 2023

Three point lighting

How to make your shots look more professional with three point lighting. 

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Storyboarding your video.

 Another 'Media Insider' video on storyboarding. Don't worry, yours doesn't have to look this sophisticated but it does provide good insight into the purpose of a storyboard. 

Music Video - tips

 This is an excellent video with good advice - especially editing style and also having a combination of narrative and performance.

Monday 24 January 2022

Gauntlett - Identity

Please  click on the link below to see another video of Gauntlett talking about identity. It's quite long but it's useful in establishing how his theory applies to the exam. 

Gauntlett - Identity

Friday 10 September 2021

Your mood board needs to have a selection of text (type of font, sizes and colour), colour themes and images that would help explain they style and concept of the magazine you want to make.

You could also use pictures you have taken yourself - this will make your mood board more relevant to what you're doing in your productions.

Click on the above link to see some examples of A Level coursework with moderator's comments (go to page 46 to see an example of a top band response!)